Help yourself, share your surplus, stop food waste
Community fridge
How it works

Our community fridge is open to everyone to share food (take for free, give for free) and stop fresh food going to waste. It also brings us together sometimes to cook and eat and imagine what else we can do in our community.
You will find the fridge in the courtyard just outside our front door so if you are passing, you are welcome to take some food.
Want to know more? Have a look at the quesitons and answers here.
We manage the fridge from MIC café and co-ordinate with the local food bank to make sure things are fair and nothing is wasted.
Food is often surplus from supermarkets, local food businesses, producers, households and gardens. Anyone can share food through our team. If you have surplus food to share, please use our contact form or drop in to the café.
Yes, the fridge is for anyone and everyone in the community - no matter who you are. By sharing from the fridge, together we support our community and stop food waste locally.
At the moment, the fridge is always open and you can see when there is chilled food inside or things like vegetables in boxes alongside.